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9:00am Sunday School
Access Code 957997
10:30am Worship Service
6:00pm Tables of Mercy Ministry (Postponed until further notice)
6:00am Time Of Prayer
Access Code: 957997
Bible Study@7:00 pm. Live Stream
Let us remember that we can worship God by being a part of our Sunday School Ministry every Sunday@9:00am-9:45am
The Conference Line number is
503-300-6838. Access Code: 957997.
In-person Sunday School for all age groups is currently offered on the first Sunday of every month. Breakfast will be served shortly following Sunday School. Full participation is encouraged.
You can also use the same conference line to take part in our Congregational Time of Prayer, every Sunday at 8:30 am.
Join us for "Halftime," which is our Midweek Scripture Study every Wednesday @7:00 PM on Facebook Live. Please "Like" and "Share" our Facebook Page and all of its content.
Halftime will resume in the month August.
Sunday, July 16, 2023, @10:30 AM. The Women of Bethesda will be celebrating Women's Day 2023. Our Guest Speaker will be Minister Janel Howard, Associate Minister from the Pilgrim Baptist Church. The Women's Day Assessment is $100.00. For further details please see Sis. Kimara Murff.
The Union District Congress of Christian Education will hold its annual session July 24-28, 2023, Monday-Friday@Greater St. James MBC 3101 E. Raymond St. All members are welcomed to attend. Children ages 4-17 can attend the session from 8:00am-3:00pm. To register please see Sis. Joyce Murff. Graduation for all of our COPP Students will be held on Wednesday July 26@7:00pm.
Sunday, July 30, 2023, @10:30 AM Bethesda will celebrate Promotion Day. All members who are graduating or who have other accomplishments will be honored on that day. Please bring all documents, awards or other certifications. Anything handwritten must be legible. See Sis. Joyce Murff for further details.
Saturday, August 5, 2023, beginning at 8:00 AM all members, including children, are asked to participate in a "clean up" day. Members are asked to donate dusting rags, gloves, and other cleanup supplies and participate in this effort to clear up our premises.
***These and other announcements are subject to change and might not appear in the written Sunday Morning Bulletin.
8:30 AM Congregational Prayer
9:00 am Sunday School
Access Code 957997
10:30 am Worship Service
Bible Study@7:00 pm. Live Stream
Let us remember that we can worship God by being a part of our Sunday School Ministry every Sunday@9:00am-9:45am
Sunday School is currently in-person only.
A Continental Breakfast will be served shortly following Sunday School. Full participation is encouraged.
You can use the conference line to take part in our Congregational Time of Prayer, every Sunday at 8:30 am. There is power in corporate prayer.
Join us for "Halftime," which is our Midweek Scripture Study every Wednesday @7:00 PM on Facebook Live and YouTube. Please click "Like" and "Share" on our Facebook Page and all of its contents.
We are studying the word of God and using a book entitled "Decision Making by The Book" authored by Dr. Haddon Robinson. This book is available for purchase through Amazon and other media outlets however it is not required, but it is recommended.
Bethesda is a church that is on the move and is in need of you as its loving membership to serve the Lord with a heart of gratitude and faithfulness.
***These and other announcements are subject to change and might not appear in the written Sunday Morning Bulletin.
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